Local Programs


Local programs offered by the Orange Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent include:

  • Value added beef marketing programs through the Central Virginia Cattlemen Association (CVCA). More information is available on the CVCA web site.
  • Livestock production management, financial management, forage management, and genetic selection programs   
  • Pesticide recertification and wps trainings
  • Nutrient management planning  for forage production
  • Livestock cattle working facility design
  • 4-H livestock selection and showing


  1. To provide education from numerous disciplines addressing societal issues of concern to individuals and families
  2. To assist communities in analyzing the status of families and identifying appropriate community action to meet the needs of families; 
  3. To train volunteers and program assistants to assist the Family and Consumer Sciences program; 
  4. To motivate people to become involved in community issues and to develop leadership potential in those people; 
  5. To collaborate with other Extension program areas, and form partnerships with other agencies, community organizations, and educational groups.

Programs offered Orange, Madison and Culpeper Counties

Food, Nutrition and Health


  • Cooking for Crowds
  • ServSafe
  • Food Preservation



Helpful 4-H links:

Orange County 4-H offers programs for youth in a variety of delivery modes.  Our 4-H clubs meet monthly and are either project clubs (focusing on a specific project area such as animals) or community clubs, which vary their projects and learning.  All 4-H clubs are open to all youth who wish to participate.  Most 4-H clubs are open to youth ages 9-18, but our Cloverbud clubs serve youth ages 5-8.  4-H clubs are led by caring adult volunteers. A list of current clubs is posted on the document library, linked above.  

Our 4-H camping program features 4-H Junior Camp, a residential camp at the Northern Virginia 4-H Center in Front Royal in June of each year.  TACO (Therapeutic Adventure Camp of Orange) is a horseback riding day camp that serves youth with disabilities and is staffed by nearly 50 teen and adult volunteers.  Cloverbud Day Camp is available each summer to youth ages 5-8, and additional day camps are offered annually, many at low or no cost to the participant.  Orange teens attend State 4-H Congress on the campus of Virginia Tech each June. 

Special interest workshops such as cooking, personal finance, crafts, leadership, technology, resume writing, and more are offered at various times depending on community needs. 

4-H partners with local schools to offer educational events such as Ag Day and Farm Tour, public speaking, embryology in the classroom, workforce preparation, college tours, and more, depending on the needs.  

Volunteers are essential to the work that 4-H does in Orange County.  Commitments can be as short as an hour or two or very long term; we are fortunate to have some volunteers for more than 20 years! Contact us to learn more about how you can become a part of the Orange 4-H family! 

Developing a value-added Virginia economy (pdf)

Engaging with Communities

Virginia Cooperative Extension specialists in community viability work with Extension agents, campus-based faculty, organizational partners, communities, and individuals to further opportunity and build capacity in five program areas:   

Examples of our work include training county elected officials, educating entrepreneurs, facilitating collaborative projects, supporting the growth of community food systems and local economies, enhancing agent skills and community capacity in facilitation and leadership, conducting problem-driven research, and creating publications and tools that address critical community needs.

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