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Courtney Wesner

Associate Extension Agent, ANR

Courtney Wesner was born and raised in Chalmers, Indiana.  Chalmers is a small, rural farming community located in Northern Indiana, about an hour from Chicago and an hour from Indianopolis via Interstate 65.  There, her family owns and still currently operates a Seimmental seedstock cow/calf operation.  Growing up, Courtney was involved in the management, marketing, and exhibition of purebred cattle on a state and national level.  Today, Courtney operates a small herd of registered cattle of her own and remains involved with the family operational decisions and exhibition endeavors.  Courtney was an active member of 4-H and FFA growing up and graduated from Purdue University with a degree in Animal Agribusiness.  While at Purdue, She was a member of a very competitive Livestock Judging Team that placed in the top 5 of every national contest.  Before coming to Virginia, and working in the Orange Extension Office for 5 years as the 4-H Program Educator, Courtney was employed by the American Simmental Association (ASA) for 5 years.  During her time as ASA, she held several different titles and serviced cattlemen and women all over the United States with educational, programmatic, and registration needs.  Courtney is currently pursuing a Master's degree through the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Virginia Tech.